Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sassy Mom with a Blog

This is my first post. This will be a blog of random thoughts about the world and what I am thinking about. So far this year I have been watching several trends on the internet. I have been following flat earth, Mandela affect and gematria. 
I am still on the fence about the flat earth. It seems to be controlled by someone or some entity. There are some curious items about it that keeps me from dismissing it all together. One is that the Earth seems flat when I look around me. The ocean looks flat when I look at it and water finds a level point. The ancients in their creation stories talk about an egg shaped world or a domed shaped world. I find the thought of the world being on the back of a turtle swimming through space comforting somehow. Some ancients said the world was surrounded by gold and there is water surrounding us. So we live in a yellow submarine? (now that song is going to be stuck in my head) That would tie in with glass in the dessert that has a gold color. Maybe whatever made the rift in the sky dumped that glass on that dessert. Two, why are all the pictures from space a composite or CGI?  A third point is the UN map. The flat earth map is used by the flat earth society but also USGS, the United Nations, the airlines, ham radio ect. Once you start playing around with Azimuthal Map Projectons and other projections, the world can look anyway you want it to but the fact is that a lot of organizations use the flat earth map. 
Mandela affect I came across around 2010 or so. That is when I really started looking at the sky and seeing that something was wrong. First of all the chemtrails were easy to spot. Chemtrails are funny because most people say you are nuts but if you say cloud seeding they totally agree and say they have been doing that since the 70s. There are gov. web sites that show cloud seeding even now so I am surprised that this is a conspiracy. The disco ball objects in the sky also captured my attention. I was following dutchsinse and all the HAARP info he found. I was also researching signs and symbols that are all around us. Somewhere in all this I came across the Mandela affect. I remember him dying in jail, then again later and then they had him die again recently. This year the Bernstein Bears being changed really blew me away because we had those books and I know it was not spelled the way it is now. I also remember New Zealand being above and to the right of Australia. Also in the movie Field of Dreams it was build it and they will come not he will come. Not sure what that means. I could be jumping time lines. I know they are doing things at CERN and trying to open portals and do experiments with time according to their website. 
Gematria is that letters have numerical value. For example,  a=1 and b=2. There are different types of cyphers. Sassy Mom has value of 25 in pythagorean and 116 in Hebrew. So supposedly numbers have frequency and similar names have same meanings. Some try to figure out headlines, sports and entertainment by finding similar numbers are being used over and over. Not sure if you can predict false flags in the future but it has captured my attention. 
Well that is my musings for today. 

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