Not for the first time, I am struck by how similar Norse Mythology and Hindu Religion are. I do not know which came first or if they were part of the same tribe and split up or if it was something that was just known. If you go by history books(which I am distrustful) you would have to think that Hindu came first. India seems so ancient and the knowledge of Norse/Vikings comes much later.
Today I was looking into biblical numerology and came across Norse numerology. The Norse had a primordial cow that was an original being and the Hindu had a cow as a goddess.
While the number three appears significant in many cultures, Norse mythology appears to put special emphasis on the number nine. Along with the number 27, both numbers also figure into the lunar Germanic calendar.
The number three occurs with great frequency in grouping individuals and artifacts:
- There are three distinct races of giants: the mountain giants, frost giants and fire giants.
- There were three original beings: the primordial cow Audhumla, Ymir the first giant, andBúri the first god and grandfather of Odin.(per wikipedia)
History of the "Sacred" Cow
In ancient India, oxen and bulls were sacrificed to the gods and their meat was eaten. But even then the slaughter of milk-producing cows was prohibited. Verses of the Rigveda refer to the cow as Devi (goddess), identified with Aditi (mother of the gods) herself.Even when meat-eating was permitted, the ancient Vedic scriptures encouraged vegetarianism. One scripture says, "There is no sin in eating meat... but abstention brings great rewards." (The Laws of Man, V/56). (Go here to learn about The Vedas.)Later, in the spiritually fertile period that produced Jainism and Buddhism, Hindus stopped eating beef. This was mostly like for practical reasons as well as spiritual. It was expensive to slaughter an animal for religious rituals or for a guest, and the cow provided an abundance of important products, including milk, browned butter for lamps, and fuel from dried dung. upper two picture are hindu and the lower two are Norse. The one universe shows 14 Lokas which reminds me of Loki in Norse.
- There is also a middle earth in both.
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